DIGI ConnectCore® 6+ processor 32 or 64 bit?

This may sound dumb. I had this ConnectCore 6 plus board, the processor should be i.MX6QuadPlus .

I would like to know the CPU bitness. 32 or 64? I have a python 3.8.5 (64bit).

My Dev Machine is 64bit, if ConnectCore is 32bit, will python program run?
Here is what is had: Cannot execute binary file: Exec format error (at Digiboard)

$file Hello (at Digiboard)
ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=24675b0091f38f45c5c1c5484cf24925b439b164, stripped

The simple program is able to execute at the dev machine

Any idea to resolve this?

you are confusing many things here. Mainly there is no correlation between the bitness of host and target.
The output of the command you’ve provided shows that Hello has been compile for x86 target and will not run on arm target.

> will python program run?

python program is code that is not compiled so it should’ve universal. you run python program with:
python3 myprogram.py

The output of the command you’ve provided shows that Hello has been compile for x86 target and will not run on arm target

OK. I thought the x86 is 32bit?

python program is code that is not compiled so it should’ve universal. you run

Yes, I know about it, but with Pyinstaller , it actually pack as a executable for Linux.

I am able to run on my 64bit Ubuntu machine (not on virtual) with bash like ./Hello

>OK. I thought the x86 is 32bit?
32 bit or 4 bit is not relevant here. 32-bit binary can run on 64-bit machine with no problem. Half of Windows executables are 32-bit, half are 64-bit, all run side by-side on your 64-bit PC.

The defining factor is architecture, not bitness. x86-64 vs armv7.

>Yes, I know about it, but with Pyinstaller , it actually pack as a executable for Linux.

You cannot use Linux x86 executables on arm host. You need to crosscompile binaries for your target using a toolchain or during the compilation of your images

>I am able to run on my 64bit Ubuntu machine (not on virtual) with bash like ./Hello
Yes, but this will not work on target, you need to recompile Hello with crosses compiler, rather than regular compiler