MAX USER Accounts allowed in the NETOS database

Hi all,
I want to have up to 25 user accounts in the Digi Connect ME, but “SysAccess.h” got a definition for maximum number of user accounts as 20.
Is it is possible to change this value in the header file and increase the number of user accounts allowed in the NetOS os?
Here the code from “sysAccess.h”

  • This is the maximum number of user accounts allowed by the system
  • @external
  • @category SystemAccess
  • @since 6.0
    Is this system/hardware dependant?
    Can I change it?
    Anyone has tried to hit this limit of user accounts ??
    Thank you

I’m pretty sure this is an arbitrary limit to help limit overhead. Try increasing it to 25 and see if you run into any problems.