using API in c#


I want to use the api mode of operation in the xtend module. I am working in c#. how can i assemble hex packet?? can anyone please explain? When i send data to serialport it is a string, not hex.

Not sure what the xtend module is, but I’ve been playing with xbee’s with API…here is some simple .net console application code I used for basic testing…just getting started using API…

Three xbee’s all API firmware…2 receiving end devices (X-CTU terminal) on XP computer…1 sending router (via MSVS debug…this code) from vista…

Code does show some packet assembling, checksum calc, and hex conversion…

Delays are required for response from receiving xbee’s…

Pasted code…gave up trying to attach file…code won’t look right…

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static SerialPort xbee = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
xbee = new SerialPort(“COM6”, 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
// Change 64 and 1 bit addresses
SendString(0x0013A200405CF151, 0x38DC, “Hello\r”);

        string str1;
        int slp1 = 100;
        for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) // 5 trys for response, increasing delay each try
            if (xbee.BytesToRead > 0)
                byte[] rsp = new byte[xbee.BytesToRead];
                xbee.Read(rsp, 0, xbee.BytesToRead);
                str1 = ToHexDigits(rsp);


            slp1 += 100;
        // Change 64 and 1 bit addresses
        SendString(0x0013A200405CF154, 0x443B, "Goodby\r");

        string str2;
        int slp2 = 100;
        for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) // 5 trys for response, increasing delay each try
            if (xbee.BytesToRead > 0)
                byte[] rsp = new byte[xbee.BytesToRead];
                xbee.Read(rsp, 0, xbee.BytesToRead);
                str2 = ToHexDigits(rsp);


            slp2 += 100;

    // 64bit addres (serial number low/high), 16bit address (MY), string to send
    static void SendString(long aDestAHAL, ushort aDestMY, string aString)
        // Add 18 bytes for Frame delimeter, Frame length, Destination address L/H/MY, and Checksum
        uint lBufferLen = (uint)18 + (uint)aString.Length;
        // Allocate buffer
        byte[] lBuffer = new byte[lBufferLen];
        // subtract Frame delimeter, Frame length, and Checksum
        lBufferLen -= 4;

        lBuffer[0] = 0x7E; // Frame delimeter

        lBuffer[1] = (byte)(lBufferLen >> 8); // Lengh MSB
        lBuffer[2] = (byte)lBufferLen;        // Length LSB
        // Checksum START
        lBuffer[3] = 0x10; // Frame Type 
        lBuffer[4] = 0x01; // Frame ID
        // Init CheckSum to Frame Type  and ID
        uint lCheckSum = (uint)(lBuffer[3] + lBuffer[4]);

        // Init buffer indexer to end of destination address
        int y = 12; // Buffer indexer, we'll be counting backwards
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
            lBuffer[y] = (byte)aDestAHAL;
            lCheckSum += (uint)lBuffer[y];
            aDestAHAL = aDestAHAL >> 8;

        lBuffer[13] = (byte)(aDestMY >> 8);
        lBuffer[14] = (byte)aDestMY;
        lCheckSum = lCheckSum + (uint)lBuffer[13] + (uint)lBuffer[14];

        // Broadcast Radius and options
        lBuffer[15] = 0x00;
        lBuffer[16] = 0x00;
        lCheckSum = lCheckSum + (uint)lBuffer[15] + (uint)lBuffer[16];

        // Init buffer indexer to start of payload(string)
        y = 17; // Buffer indexer
        for (int x = 0; x < aString.Length; x++)
            lBuffer[y] = (byte)aString[x]; // Append payload(char)
            lCheckSum += (uint)lBuffer[y]; // Accumulate Checksum
        // Checksum END
        lBuffer[lBuffer.Length - 1] = (byte)(0xFF - lCheckSum); // Checksum
        xbee.Write(lBuffer, 0, lBuffer.Length);

    static string ToHexDigits(byte[] val)
        char[] ary = new char[2];
        string str = "";
        for (int x = 0; x < val.Length; x++)
            ToHexDigits(val[x], ref ary);
            str += ary[0];
            str += ary[1];

            if (x < val.Length - 1)
                str += " ";

        return new string(str.ToCharArray());

    static void ToHexDigits(byte val, ref char[] ary)
        ary[1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[val & 0xF];
        ary[0] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(val / 16) & 0xF];

