Where to search a website?

My regards to everyone, I want to ask you all that how can I submit my site online? I want my site to be presented online but don�t know where and how to submit my link? Is there any way to make my link popularize online?
Please let me know if anyone knows about it.

I liked your way for going for the complete facet of the product or the service by going through its website. I also agree that it is not that much easy to get the respective and required website of the product or the service but I know about one of the reference guides available online which gives the required links and the sites. I think you can browse the reference links for your need and I am sure that you will get the required site�s information.

[QUOTE=generai;2275]My regards to everyone, I want to ask you all that how can I submit my site online? I want my site to be presented online but don�t know where and how to submit my link? Is there any way to make my link popularize online?
Please let me know if anyone knows about it.[/quote]


There are lots of ways to submit your site online.

Find out directories related to your niche and submit your site in such directories. I guess social media sites are also useful to make your site more popular.

here it is ok