White papers Sample code download links

It might just be me, but in case there are others who run into the same stumbling block as me…

Half of the sample/example code links at the very end of the white papers. after the glossary and sometime not even mentioned in the table of contents


Adding DHCP options to NET+OS (V7.X) in an IAM environment

Generating HTML content on the fly using
Digi International’s Advanced Web Server

Javascript Forms Validation Processing with
NET+OS’s Advanced Web Server

Developing AWS-based Applications
Under NET+OS

Real-time Device Monitoring
Using AWS


Chapter 5 Example Application Explanation

You can see the list of white papers in the pop up when you download the Documentation package through package manager (notes from the package below for NET+OS 7.5):

Added new APIs to the SPI FIM Driver. (Case 26317, 32022, 34921)
Version 1.2
Application Note- How Changes in MS Internet Explorer Version 8 Will Affect Web Pages Containing Input type=file
Version 1.3
Added documentation for snmpTargetMIB and snmpNotificationMIB. (Case 36130)
Changed description of NASpiSlaveBufferType in ApiReference to state that the SPI receive buffer should be 32-byte aligned. (Case 36111)
Updated ConnectME ConnectWiME ConnectME9210 HW Reference to Rev J.
Version 1.4
Updated FIM SPI clock rates
Added new FIM SPI APIs
Updated NS9210/NS9215 Errata
Added white paper- Application Note- Adding custom MIBS to NET+OS V7.5 and above SNMP component
Version 1.41
Added sendBreak process. Updated serl_monitor to send interrupt command to FIM to set TX low for sendBreak and restore TX after given duration has expired. The FIM code was also updated for sendBreak command. Updated actual bytes written TX instead the number of bytes sent to FIM which includes stop bits and parity. (Case 31247)
Updated autodoc comments for naIpsecPolicyContentSetRules to explain problem with using IPSEC transport mode and do not fragment option. Recommended use of IPSEC tunnel mode instead. Also described a work around.