api frame with ascii code message from my xbee pro module

dear developers
please! please! please!
somebody can explain to me
how and where in digi esp program can I see the api frame with ascii code message from my xbee pro module?
which project i must to open in idigi dia?


ConnectPort X4 interpretes the APIs at the built in driver level and provides simpler APIs to communicate using a python program. iDigi DIA, provides different builds to communicate with different types of Digi modules. If you want to send the data from the UART port of one XBee ZB/ XBee-Pro ZB module and then send those data to iDigi and as well as display on the Dia Web Presentation than you need to select the device type in the dia.yml file as ‘Xbee Serial Terminal’ while building Dia project from Digi ESP for python.

And also go through Dia Online documentation, which is located under ‘resources’ page of ‘developer.idigi.com’. To access that you need to login in to the iDigi Developer Cloud. You can get free sign up for that.