I am a student working on a very basic project using the Rabbit 2000 dev kit. I am required to hook the board up and run the sample programs – which I have done quite easily.
I am trying to understand the code in a sample program demotcp1.c
I can obviously read the comments included but I am trying to understand the syntax. I am using the Dynamic C manual.
I am not a complete novice in programming though you can still consider me an unexperienced programmer.
Can someone please explain these lines of code? Or point me to documentation I can access? I am interested in knowing what WrPortI and BitWrPortI is here. They look like functions with 3 parameters but the program doesn’t appear to be linked to any other files.
// set lowest 2 bits of port D as outputs
WrPortI(PDDDR, &PDDDRShadow, 0x03);
and this one:
// turn led on output 0 on
BitWrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0xFF, 0);