Bug in Netos 6.3 SSL handshake

There seems to be a bug in NETOS 6.3 SSL implementation. It fails to negotiate SSL with Yahoo smtp server (plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com).

Issue seems to be NETOS implementation , it fails the negotiation if SERVER-HELLO handshake message does not
have SessionID.
Yahoo Server responds with cipher SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA(0x00,0x0A), but without sessionID, upon which Netos implementation responds with fatal “Handshake Failure”

An update, the problem is not due to absence of session id
The server is sending “certificate_request”(handshake type 0xd) to mail client and this is causing the fatal “Handshake failure” on the client. I have verified this, need some enhancements in the API to handle this request.