I have a recipe ‘my-image.bb’ that builds a custom image by inheriting core-image and dey-image classes, following the example ‘core-image-base.bb’ in the standard yocto dey release
I would like to create SWU image files using a recipe similar to ‘bitbake my-image-swu’ so I need to create my-image-swu.bb, but I am having trouble following the dey source code pattern.
Looking at the recipes in meta-digi/meta-digi-dey/recipes-digi/swu-images they simply ‘require swu.inc’. And this is the problem - it is an inc file not a bbclass so I believe it is not accessable to my own recipe layer.
The swu.inc file does ‘inherit swupdate dey-swupdate-common’ which I can do in my own recipe, but it also includes alot of useful logic and script files to cope with dual-boot vs single-boot systems and more.
Is there a way I can include all of the functionality in swu.inc without duplicating all of the dey swu-images directory in my own layer?