Data Sample Rx Indicator frame 0x92

I use a ZigBee S2 configured END device (ATmode) with a TMP36 analog sensor connected on ADI0 (analog input).I receive the frame with a XBee ZigBee S2 Coordinator(API mode).
Some of the received bytes are good but some others (B12-B13-B14)are “strange” and I can’t find why.
Here is the frame :

  B0 B1 B2  B3 B4 B5  B6 B7 B8  B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 

b10: 126 0 18 146 0 19 162 0 64 140 88 202 201 216 65 1 0 0 1 03 255
b16: 7E 00 12 92 00 13 A2 00 40 8C 58 CA C9 D8 41 01 00 00 01 03 FF

B0=7E OK : start delimiter
B1-B2=0012 OK : Length
B3=92 OK : frame type
B4-B7=0013A200 OK : High 64bits address sender
B8-B11=408C58CA OK : Low 64bits address sender
B12-B13=C9D8 No OK : should be 16-bit address of sender but I don’t understand why this value ?
B14=41 NO OK : ? should be 0x01 (Packet acknowledged) so why 41 ?
B15=01 OK : Number of sample
B16-B17=0000 OK : no digital I/O
B18=01 OK : 1 analog I/O (the first one)
B19-B20=03FF OK : my analog sample
If someone could help ? Thanks