Due to a recent need for evaluating future performance in my Dynamic C projects, I have begun to inspect memory aspects (TNs-238, 202 & 219).
I would like to know the exact correspondence, if there is any, between the logical and physical addresses I obtain in a .MAP compilation file and the values I obtain in the information window, since, to my surprise, assuming XMEM code is physical (20 bits) and root code and data are both logical (16bits), I obtain different values for root data�s origin in the MAP and in the information window.
The header of my MAP file is the following (Marked with ** I add some comments on it).
// Compilers view of MMU. Note these values are determined by the origin statements in the BIOS.
//Segment Origin Size
//** This is the same as the information window**
Root Code 00:0000 004a86
//** This is not the same as the I.W.**
//** There the next info appears: B3AC to CDFF (SIZE 1A54)**
Root Data 80:cdff 001a53
//** There appears a logical(16bit address) **
//** whereas in the information window, it�s a physical one **//
Xmem Code 05:e200 020c16
Thanks for your help.