Hi everybody:
My problem is why the time-out value on sensor reading is diferent.
If I turn off the watchport and LTH sensor, and read sensor…
The watchport sensor takes 7 second to enter except condition.
But the LTH router or Wallrouter takes 65 second to enter exception,
It takes time too long , how can I change it ?!
Is there any zigbee ddo command manaul releated to this ?
Please help me, thanks you
below is my code
begin watchport sensor 7sec
zigbee.ddo_set_param(DESTINATION, ‘D2’, 5)
zigbee.ddo_set_param(DESTINATION, ‘AC’, ‘’)
get and parse sample:
sample = zigbee.ddo_get_param(DESTINATION, '1S')
xbee_temp = xbee_sensor.XBeeWatchportT()
print "Temperature is: %f degrees Celsius" % (xbee_temp.temperature)
print “error”
Begin LTH sensor , barrtey power ,65sec
Create a sensor object
lthrouter = xbeelth.XBeeLTHN(DESTINATION)
Retrieve a sample reading from the wallrouter
sample = lthrouter.sample()
print "Temperature sample: ", sample['temperature']
print "humidity sample: ", sample['humidity']
print "Light sample: ", sample['light']
print “read error!!!”