Extracting bit values into DIA channels from a MODBUS value

I am currently trying to create a DIA project which grabs MODBUS data and pushes it onto DeviceCloud. I’ve been able to successfully read all analogue values (16 bit integers) and push them to the cloud without a problem. i.e.

  • name: mbus
    driver: devices.modbus.mbus_udp_device:MBusUDPDevice
    poll_rate_sec: 15
    udp_peer: “(‘’,502)”
    trace: “debug”
    round: 2
    - poll: “PLC_AI”
    uid: 1
    fnc: 3
    ofs: 1
    cnt: 4
    - parse:
    nam: “Blade_angle”
    ofs: 0
    frm: “H”

The problem I am having is that digital values have been coded into a 16 bit integer (i.e. 1000 0010 0101 1111). I can read the value fine as a single integer, But how do I split out these individual bits as individual boolean channels?

I’ve tried the following but it doesn’t quite work:
- poll: “PLC_DI”
uid: 1
fnc: 3
ofs: 0
cnt: 1
- parse:
nam: “0”
ofs: 0
frm: “H”
typ: “bool”
expr: “bool(%d&1)”
- parse:
nam: “1”
ofs: 0
frm: “H”
typ: “bool”
expr: “bool(%d&2)”
- parse:
nam: “2”
ofs: 0
frm: “H”
typ: “bool”
expr: “bool(%d&4)”

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

try using the bit to hex converter options in python.

Thanks for the assistance mvut. I ended up figuring it out. I created a transform for each bit and used the following expressions:

And so on.