I am trying to get the Basic Sample from the Net+OS ESP running on CC9P9215 JumpStart Kit. I have modified the bsp_serial Options to use the UART Driver on Ports 1 & 2. I have also modified the bsp_sys Options for DIALOG Port and STDIO Port to use Serial Port A.
define BSP_DIALOG_PORT “/com/0”
define BSP_STDIO_PORT “/com/0”
When the NAOpenDialog() function in dialog.c is called, I always get a -1 returned on the open() which then calls the netosFatalError handler. I have tried “/com/1” also and it produces the same -1 on the open().
I am getting the same fatal error on the FTP Server Sample project. Is there some other set needed for the serial ports to work? Are there better examples to try to run code on the JumpStart Dev Kit?