Form for secure settings

I have a simple problem, but I’m a beginner and I have not idea how to do that. I made secure www pages with SSL autentization from sample programs and now I want to make a simple form, which will change password for login entered user.

Can you help me pls?

What is it exactly what you want to do?

You have SSL & authentication? And you want a user to be able to change the password for logging in to the server?

Posting the code you used, or relevant parts of it, would be very useful!

[QUOTE=IWriteCode;154]What is it exactly what you want to do?

You have SSL & authentication? And you want a user to be able to change the password for logging in to the server?

Posting the code you used, or relevant parts of it, would be very useful![/quote]

Yes. I’m using sample program Sample/tcpip/SSL/SSL_AUTHENTICATION.C for loggin to the www pages and now I looking for sample how to change user’s password which is log in. Some sample how to call function with html(form) arguments. Maybe it is a simple but I don’t know how to make it, because I’m begginer and I have not time learn all dynamic C :frowning:

I need this for my diplome thesis :slight_smile:

Users are added with sauth_adduser & sspec_adduser…

Removing a user can be done by calling the ‘reverse’ of these functions: sauth_removeuser & sspec_removeuser

So changing the password is easy, remove the user for which the password must be altered, and add the same user again with the new password…

[QUOTE=IWriteCode;161]Users are added with sauth_adduser & sspec_adduser…

Removing a user can be done by calling the ‘reverse’ of these functions: sauth_removeuser & sspec_removeuser

So changing the password is easy, remove the user for which the password must be altered, and add the same user again with the new password…[/quote]

And how I make it from http request(simple form with one button and one text field)? Some cgi? Or something else?
I’m trying traslate TCP/IP V.2 documentacion now - maybe I find there what I want. Sorry for a dump question to you but I’ kind of lost in Dynamic C. :frowning:

Maybe is some good sample, which I overlooked it?

The problem I had with the SSL site, is that it’s more difficult to access the buffers which are sent and received. So I used the default rabbit way of making forms, which is shown in the SSL_FORM.C sample.
Then I added an extra cgi page, which saves the config form data to flash… don’t know if there’s a callback function available for when you save the rabbit form for altering the password there…

[QUOTE=IWriteCode;163]The problem I had with the SSL site, is that it’s more difficult to access the buffers which are sent and received. So I used the default rabbit way of making forms, which is shown in the SSL_FORM.C sample.
Then I added an extra cgi page, which saves the config form data to flash… don’t know if there’s a callback function available for when you save the rabbit form for altering the password there…[/quote]

Maybe I have it!
I used SSL_FORM.C sample, how you said me. I didn’t use CGI, but sspec_setfvcheck(form, var, check_and_change); , which compare two inputs and if the inputs are identic function changes the password.
Now I have two problems with the form and with the new password. First problem is with text field. Now is the field type text. How do I make the field as type password?
Second problem is: when I shutdown rabbit, rabbit doesn’t remebmer new password. Is a sample, which this problem resolves?

Thx for help!

The variables are in RAM, so when the power is switched off, it’s gone. You need to store the password, on a lot of boards, there’s serial flash available. Store the password there, and retrieve it when the application starts.

Not sure on the password box, will check on monday at work.

[QUOTE=IWriteCode;166]The variables are in RAM, so when the power is switched off, it’s gone. You need to store the password, on a lot of boards, there’s serial flash available. Store the password there, and retrieve it when the application starts.

Not sure on the password box, will check on monday at work.[/quote]

Thank you for support. I thought it too but i didn’t know how to do it :slight_smile: I try to find in documentation. So… “see you tomorrov on monday here”


Check the samples directory of your board / core module. There might be a serial_flash sample which you can use.

Thx. I will check it.
Please, can you try to give a part(in the sample SSL_FORM.C), which creates a form to the function and then this function call in main()? I tried it but the function didn’t create a form but something indescribably(crashed form without inputs) :frowning:

Uhmm… what is it exactly what you want? What module are you using anyways? That’s handy to know :slight_smile:

I want to create form as function not in main(). The part, which creates the form I incuded to the function and call it.

Exactly this part(part was saparate from SSL_FORM.C):
void form_init()

// Declare the FormVar array to hold form variable information
auto FormVar myform[1];
auto int var;
auto int form;
// This array lists the options that are possible for the fail variable
static const char* const fail_options = {
“Email and page”,

// Initialize variables
temphi = 80;
tempnow = 72;
templo = 65;
humidity = 0.3;
strcpy(fail, "Page");

// Add the form (array of variables)

// Note the use of SERVER_HTTPS instead of SERVER_HTTP. This means that
// the form declared here is only accessible from an SSL-secured HTTPS
// socket. If you want this form to be accessible from both HTTPS and
// HTTP clients, then the final parameter would be
form = sspec_addform(“myform.html”, myform, 1, SERVER_HTTPS);

// Set the title of the form
sspec_setformtitle(form, "ACME Thermostat Settings");

// Add the first variable, and set it up with the form
var = sspec_addvariable("temphi", &temphi, INT16, "%d", SERVER_HTTPS);
var = sspec_addfv(form, var);
sspec_setfvname(form, var, "High Temp");
sspec_setfvdesc(form, var, "Maximum in temperature range (60 - 90 °F)");
sspec_setfvlen(form, var, 5);
sspec_setfvrange(form, var, 60, 90);
sspec_setfvcheck(form, var, checkHighTemp);

// Create aliases for this form.  This allows the form to be accessed from
// other locations.
sspec_aliasspec(form, "index.html");
sspec_aliasspec(form, "/");


void main(void)


// We need to reserve the HTTPS port as well, which is TCP port 443


while (1) {

and when I call this part as function… you can see result here –>

I see, that similary way is in SERIAL_FLASHLOG.C sample, where form is create as function too. I try to understand from this sample.

Btw. I use RCM3700 development kit. I appreciate your help. Thank you for your time. :wink:

Oh. I have it…
I changed declaration of variable form from auto to static and form is good. :slight_smile:

What do you think about the TYPE of text’s fields? How do I make “password” type of text field? Now they are created as “text” type. I mean this:

I check the code in ZSERVER.LIB, it looks like there’s no option to make a password box…

So, next way how to make it is by using POST2.C sample, where is presented method how to work with post data from a small form. But i try it with SSL and something in function int parse_post(HttpState* state) was bad.


Yah, that was also my initial approach when working with SSL, but since it’s difficult to access the decrypted buffers directly, I switched to the rabbit form handling…