I am using Xbee Pro 900HP, 1okhz modules.
When I issue a node discovery command (ATND), it takes about 20 seconds to finish the discovery. Are there any way to shorten the time?
My settings are as following:
NO Network Discovery option=2. Bit 1 return Device own DN response first
AP Transparent Mode(0)
TO Transmit Option=40 (Point to Point)
Baud rate = 57600
Flow Control ON
CM Channel Mask FFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFF (Default)
All other settings are in default settings as well
BH and NH are already set to the lowest values. 0 & 1.
I know you said BH and NH is the only variables that will reduce the discovery time, but I tried to change the the Channel Mask CM to FFFFF7C000 so it only is using 25 Channels, to see if that would help. Same thing…
Now I am asking: Can I stop the “discovery search” as soon I discover a module?
I am already using the NI command to identify the modules. MODULE-00, MODULE-01,…
I am not sure how to do a ND command to the NI value?
If I send the command “ATND MODULE-03” from Module 00, then I am getting an ERROR
It works. Module 03 was in sleep mode.
Both “ATND MODULE-03” and “ATNDMODULE-03” works.
I am reading manual 90002173_N.pdf for the 900hp unit, and could not find the instruction or method you suggested to use.