How many end devices could I connect to one co-ordinator

Hi All,

I want to know one coordinator should control how many end devices.
I have Xbee-S2C modules.
Can we connect 150 end devices to one coordinator.
I have tested one coordinator and 6 end devices.
Its working fine without getting any problems or errors.
Is it necessary to use router within a range?

Thanks and Regards,

Amar Reddy.

Per the manual, an S2C Zigbee Coordinator can only support up to 20 sleeping end device children.

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Thanks for your valuable suggestions.
But I need to know about what is difference between xbee zigbee-s2c and xbee zigbee pro-s2c.
Which is the better one to use in home automation.

Thanks and Regards,

Amar Reddy.

The only difference between the S2C and PRO S2C is the transmit power, and total number of RF channels supported.

If you are in Europe, you will NOT be able to use the PRO as the module Exceeds the maximum output power allowed.