If I configure my Digi Connect ME (JTAG or -C Device) with a static IP configuration then I have no problem to read the current IP settings [customizeAceGetConfig(…), customizeAceGetStaticConfig(…)].
But if I have my Digi device configured to obtain the IP parameters from the network (DHCP) then I have some problems… If I call customizeAceGetDhcpConfig(…) the parameter suggested_ip_address is zero.
In this forum I found the function NAIpAddress() which gives me the obtained IP-Address. But how can I get des SubnetMask and the Gateway-Address?
Jul 25, 2006 11:20 AM
The procedure above does not work properly! The returned ipAddress is correct, but the SubnetMask is wrong.
Use the the function customizeAceGetInterfaceAddrInfo(…) instead.