Working on a ConnectCore ccimx6sbc and booting from SD card images created using DEY 2.4, I find that each time I swap SD cards the u-boot environment is reset to defaults. These defaults include MAC addresses in ethaddr that don’t match the values for the hardware as printed on the device label.
I can change the value, and it’s persistent until I swap or rewrite the SD card, whereupon the MAC addresses are again reset the defaults (seen below).
After I set the values (setenv ethaddr 00:01:02:03:04:05, for example), I do a saveenv, and the message indicates that the values have been saved to eMMC and redundant eMMC. But after rewriting the SD card with a new image, I’m back to the default value (00:04:f3:ff:ff:fa).
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
ConnectCore 6 SOM variant 0x02: Consumer quad-core 1.2GHz, 4GB eMMC, 1GB DDR3, -20/+70C, Wireless, Bluetooth, Kinetis
Board: ConnectCore 6 SBC, version 3, ID 129
Boot device: SD2
PMIC: DA9063, Device: 0x61, Variant: 0x60, Customer: 0x00, Config: 0x56
WARNING: Dummy default MAC in ‘ethaddr’
WARNING: Dummy default MAC in ‘wlanaddr’
WARNING: Dummy default MAC in ‘btaddr’
=> printenv wlanaddr
=> printenv ethaddr