I tried sending data using UDP protocol and it worked out well.But when it comes into TCP protocol,I dont know why it doesn’t work out.Initially Rabbit (which is in network) " waits for a connection" from its peer (also in same network) and the “connection is established” .Next ,I gathered the data from Rabbit and send it using “sock_write” command .Is it the correct way to write data into a TCP socket or are there any new steps to be followed to send data using TCP? Please suggest your valuable ideas.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Please take a look at the Dynamic C TCPIP samples, for example: Samples/TCPIP/echo.c
This program demonstrates the tcp_listen call.
A basic server, that when a client connect, echoes back to them any data that they send.
Hello Aiswarya,
I am working on rcm6760 i wanted to know that whether have you tried video streaming through UDP by using rcm4000, if so kindly provide me with the algorithm.
Adwait Joshi
I have tried sending some continuous data from RCM4000 through UDP but haven’t tried Video Streaming.Have you tried Parallel Interfacing?Writing some data to parallel port?
For sending continuous data which software or program did you used?
And i have not tried parallel interfacing but the study of parallel ports in the user manual might give you some help.
First of all I used hyperterminal to send data,but as it doesn’t meet my needs , I started sending continuous data from a Java program from another computer.I am little bit confused about the parallel interfacing.I have devloped code for that,but haven’t tried the interfacing yet.