I have a ConnectPort X4 uploading data to my idigi.com developer account. I can access the data without any problems through the GUI on the idigi.com website but I am having issues accessing the data through the web service interface. I also have some general questions about the iDigi.com framework.
In the idigi overview document (90001068_A) on pages 17-18, it says that the root collection is always /db and the home collection is always ~. What is the difference between the root collection and home collection?
The authentication is done over regular http (not https). Doesn’t this mean that the authentication data is sent clear text?
When you add a device, you only need to specify the MAC address. While authentication is required to access data files, what is preventing users from adding other users’ devices since all they need to know is the MAC address?
I am having difficulties with accessing a file through the web service using a browser. From the documentation, I am not clear on which URL to use, but with every URL I’ve tried, I always get an error. Depending on the URL, I either get 403 unauthorized or 403 unknown user. If my iDigi connectivity server is sd1-na.idigi.com and my file is at 00000000-00000000-00409DFF-FF3CD525/IOStatus.xml, what URL should I be using?