I’m having a bit of trouble displaying some data. Frankly, the problem seems a bit confound, which probably means that the solution is really elementary and I’ve succeeded in completely overlooking it.
Here it is:
The following code is supposed to display info stored in xmem, and it does, for the most part. The problem is that when it goes to display samp (an unsigned integer) a seemingly random number displays before samp.
If samp = 1, the number that gets displayed is something like “51” or “111” or “61”.
If samp = 47, the number that gets displayed is something like “147” or “647”, etc.
This didn’t make sense to me, so I added the
sprintf(outstr,"sample size: %u
", samp);
which displays samp correctly.
if (chr==13 && pccount == 6 && strncmp(pcchar, "infob", 5) ==0)
xmem2root(&headcount,add_header,2); //get # of blocks
textout("There are no blocks currently indexed.
sprintf(outstr,"Block #,START:month,day,year,hour,min,sec,channels,stat,n,sample