Hi All I’ve been having some trouble trying to get GCC 3.2 to generate the correct function exit code for a fast interrupt service routine using: attribute(interrupt(“FIQ”)) added to my routines prototype. Does anyone have any experience using GCC’s ARM interrupt attributes? If so how do I get it to do the right thing? Thanks Dave
It works with version 2.95. Do you have access to it?
Unfortunately I don’t have 2.95 build for Mingw host (i.e. Win32 without cygwin dll)… Looking into the problem some more I’m surprised 2.95 works as it appears there have been many problems with this stuff… and they wont all be ironed out until 3.3.1 Looks like I’ve got 3 choices: 1) Attempt to build gcc 2.95 for Wingw… Sue is your 2.95 built from the standard sources? 2) Write the interrupt stuff in assembler… Was sort of hoping I wouldn’t have to delve too deep into assembler code now that I’ve gotten my startup code debugged 3) Attempt to build the current development gcc 3.3.1 OhHum…
Built gcc 3.3.1 with the current newlib and the problem appears to be fixed…