I am working within the hydropower energi production in Norway.
We are using Connectport-X4 together with XBEE devices for data collection from several typesof instruments/sensors (eg. a pressure sensor for sensing water level).
I am using the idigi/dia platform and the sensor data is published as device/channels.
The protocol for the sensors are typically
- simple ascii formats
- NMEA-183 and similar formats for weather sensors
- modbus RTU/ASCII (slave)
The sensors are connected to XBEE RS485 adapters (or the serial port).
I have made device drivers for several types of sensors. For the modbus sensors i have made a subset of the modbus
protocol limited to requesting and parsing function codes for ‘read_input_registers’ and ‘read_holding_registers’.
For each instrument type, a mapping table for the modbus registers are defined.
It is always one instrument/device connected to each xbee adapter.
Therefore, i get rid of the modbus addressing problemacy.
My modbus implementation is somewhat ‘homemade’ but anyway it works for me and is running in a production environment for data
collection of hydrological data.
The device driver is based on example ‘Xbee serial device drivers’ included in the dia libraries (dia_1.3.19). However I could
not find examples involving modbus sensors.
So my question is if there are ready-made templates for handling modbus sensors through XBEE ?
As far as i can see, I do not need, nor gain advantage if the modbus/ia functionality?
Comments are appreciated.