Hi!I have a NET+40 evaluation board and it as uCLinux (Net+LX). Where can I find latest version of Net+Lx?

Hi Tony Is this a older version of the LxNET50 (Net+50 + Linux) dev kit provided by FS Forthe Systeme? If so you need to talk to the people at because I think they only supply the source on CD as part of a dev Kit or as part of a support packageā€¦ Regards, Dave

Good suggestion. But, if it is truly NET+LX, then that was a NetSilicon release and is no longer offered. In that case, too, your best bet is to contact Forth Systeme.

>Is this a older version of the LxNET50 (Net+50 + > Linux) dev kit provided by FS Forthe Systeme? Well, it is provided by you. Product number 8851000B. Can I download this Net+Lx somewhere (I have lost my CD) :(. Please contact me via email: teg (at)