I’m running my first tests with the ConnectPort X2 gateway and our ATMega8-controlled XBee2. On the micro side, I am sending single bytes to the UART (and hence XBee). On the gateway side though, using a tweaked version of Digi’s zigbee_test.py, the arriving payloads are 20 bytes long. Here’s the gateway code:
This example binds to application endpoint 0xe8,
receives a single frame at this endpoint, and
displays the source address and payload
include the sockets module into the namespace:
from socket import *
Create the socket, datagram mode, proprietary transport:
Bind to endpoint 0xe8 (234):
sd.bind((“”, 0xe8, 0, 0))
Block until a single frame is received, up to 72 bytes:
payload, src_addr = sd.recvfrom(72)
print "src_addr: ", src_addr
print “len(payload): %d” % len(payload)
for index, byte in enumerate(payload):
print “payload[%d] = %s (%d)” % (index, hex(ord(byte)), ord(byte))
and here’s what I see as output:
#> python zigbee_test.py
src_addr: (‘[00:13:a2:00:40:0a:23:98]!’, 232, 49413, 149)
len(payload): 20
payload[0] = 0x8e (142)
payload[1] = 0x47 (71)
payload[2] = 0x0 (0)
payload[3] = 0x13 (19)
payload[4] = 0xa2 (162)
payload[5] = 0x0 (0)
payload[6] = 0x40 (64)
payload[7] = 0xa (10)
payload[8] = 0x23 (35)
payload[9] = 0x98 (152)
payload[10] = 0x20 (32)
payload[11] = 0x0 (0)
payload[12] = 0xff (255)
payload[13] = 0xfe (254)
payload[14] = 0x1 (1)
payload[15] = 0x2 (2)
payload[16] = 0xc1 (193)
payload[17] = 0x5 (5)
payload[18] = 0x10 (16)
payload[19] = 0x1e (30)
Newbie Questions:
Why is the source address showing up in the payload?
More generally, why 20 bytes? What is the structure of this data? Is the so-called payload actually the full Zigbee protocol frame? (I doubt it)
What is special about 72 for the socket recvfrom? Is this the maximum data length?
We’re looking forward to getting this working. Any help is much appreciated.