It’s possible to configure PARALEL PORT D[0…3] as outputs and PARALEL PORT D[4…7] as imputs ?? I’m ussing the rabbit 4010 whit serie prototyping board.
I read something in the RABBIT FORUM about the PARALEL PORT D that is not posible to use like I/O.Exist anyway to do ?
The code I use.
WrPortI(PDDCR, &PDDCRShadow, 0x00); // make D non-open drain
WrPortI(PDDDR, &PDDDRShadow, 0x0F); // make D output WrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0x0F); // PD[0…3] ON.
But pins PD[0…3] stay at 0 volts. What is wrong ?