parsing strings in dynamic C

I am trying to parse a string in dynamic C. The string is the response of a valco valve to a position query. The string is usually of the form:

“2 Position is = xx”

I can split this string to only return the “xx” in C but not in dynamic C. Here is the code I am currently using:


int main ()
char actualpos[] =“2 Position is = 13”;
char * valco2pos;
valco2pos = strtok(actualpos,“=”);
valco2pos = strtok (NULL, “=”);

if (valco2pos[0] == ’ ')
memmove(valco2pos, valco2pos+1, strlen(valco2pos));

", valco2pos);


Any advice?

When I run that code with Dynamic C 10.72A, I see “13”. What happens when you run it? Did you run your tests with some other code or with an older version of Dynamic C?

Here’s a version that doesn’t modify the source string:


const char *parse_valco(const char *src)
	src = strchr(src, '=');       // find the equal sign
	if (src != NULL) {
		++src;                     // point past the equals sign
		while (*src == ' ') {
			++src;                  // skip over any spaces
	return src;

int main ()
	char actualpos[] = "2 Position is = 13";
	const char *valco2pos;
	valco2pos = parse_valco(actualpos);
	if (valco2pos == NULL) {
		printf("couldn't find equal sign
	} else {
", valco2pos);