Hi All,
I have a very simple test program to set the serial attributes for /dev/ttyFIM0. I am getting a termio.error: (22, ‘Invalid argument’) error message when I try to set a new speed attribute. Plus a print of the get attribute list doesn’t look right either. Here is my program:
import os
import termios
The print show 13 and 13 for the baud rate which is bogus.
try/except left out for clarity
My platform is ConnectME 9210 and I am using Linux 5.7 tools.
I do NOT know how to answer you, but I asked an engineer and this with what HE SAID (NOT ‘ME’ SAID! I’m just messenger)
== Engineers response:
The first thing I would check is if /dev/ttyFIM0 exists, I am almost sure he gets this error because the port driver didn’t load or something like that. He can also try to write a C program or even try it from the shell using script like this:
$ connect.sh
Example: connect.sh /dev/ttyS0 9600
Set up device
stty -F $1 $2
Let cat read the device $1 in the background
cat $1 &
Capture PID of background process so it is possible to terminate it when done