I�m new at working with microprocessors and I would like to know more about Rabbit�s Architecture and internal design of the microprocessor to undestarnd more the user manual. Does anybody know where or in which book can I find this information?
there is a book “Embedded systems design using the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor” by Kamal Hyder & Bob Perrin, is a good book…
Hi Omar, thank you very much for your advice. I�ll try to get the book. Does it have details of how hardware is designed? for example, peripherals architecture?
Thank you
yes… this book provide detailed coverage of rabbit 3000 architecture and development environment…
anything for the rabbit 4000?
Hi Ryan, I have already bought Kamal Hyder & Bob Perrin�s book thanks to Omar�s post. It�s been very helpful for a beginner as me because it explains deeper how hardware works but once you have read it you notice that all the information is at the processor�s user�s manual.
I don�t know all the differences between rabbit 4000 and rabbit 3000 besides the 16 bit architecture but if they are very similar and you need answers now maybe this book will be very helpful.
Does anyone know why Rabbit does not publish more application notes related to hardware?