I’m developing a professional application based on an SNMPv3 embedded agent.
I’ve defined two secure users (USM model) related to different groups and with different views of the same MIB.
The problem is in the the typed NaSnmpVacmViewTreeFamilyEntry_t structures I’ve to declare: if I name the first two fields something different that “allmib”, then the users don’t work.
The users work only if I rename the view as “allmib”, but I’ve to have two different view!
This seems to be a problem of name… I think this is a bug of the libraries.
I’ve followed all the instruction kept in the paper [i]http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/snmpv3_security.pdf[/i]
I’m developing on a JSK and a DIGI CONNECT 9210 ME (with JTAG), using NET+OS v7.4 and DigiESP IDE.
Have you ever fought with this anomaly?
Thank you very much in advance,
Maurizio Malaspina