Is it possible to use a PPP interface with the serial link and the Ethernet in the same time with the same configuration of the TCP/IP stack ?
You can have two serial ports be assigned to have the board to be two PPP devices; one of them that would do a PPPserial and the other one to do PPPModem. The TCPIP stack would work fine along with the PPP stack. A simple understanding would be once the PPP daemon gets up and running it would receive a PPP IP address both local and remote. You should be able to ping the board’s PPP IP address (local and remote) along with it’s own Ethernet address and would see that both would get replied.
Okay thanks, but now if I want to add a local PPP link between two boards, one board has to be configure in dial-in state and will set peer ethernet adress. Which board set the peer adress when using PPPSerialInit() and PPPCheckLink(). It is the only thing to do ? Do you have an example ? After done, is it the same ethernet adress on board configured with the ethernet device and the PPP link ? Furthermore, if I want to establish a local PPP link between a MS Windows PC (not a Linux PC !) and the board, I have to use PPPserialInit(). But what kind of drivers or remote access configuration I have to do on Windows ? Thanks a lot !