Tcp problem, cant run more then once per 'reset'

I’m trying to make a program that sends some data over a TCP connection to a server, but i am having some trouble with running it repeatedly. After going through the script once, the next time it should run, it stops mid-script.

More detailed:
The funtion to be run is part of main(), but only runs once an external interrupt is called, which increases a variable, allowing the TCP script to run. The problem is, after having gone through the script, it appears as if the socket has become invalid, as the second time I run it, by external interrupt, the program stops at a while loop that i have trouble understanding, the (!socket_established… loop after the tcp_open command. I’m hoping a kind soul will help with this, as i’m kinda lost

The script:
#define TCPCONFIG 1
#define SERVERIP “”
#use “dcrtcp.lib”
#define PORT 23

tcp_Socket socket;

longword destIP;

int checkup;

void my_isr0();

void main()
checkup = 0;
WrPortI(PEDDR, &PEDDRShadow, 0x00);

interrupt_vector ext0_intvec my_isr0;
SetVectExtern3000(0, my_isr0);
SetVectExtern3000(0, GetVectExtern3000(0));

WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x05);
printf("Standby for connection…

  if (checkup >= 1)
     printf("Sock_Init passed 

destIP = inet_addr(SERVERIP);
printf("Tcp_Open passed

      while(!sock_established(&socket) && sock_bytesready(&socket)==-1)

      printf("Connection made...



      printf("Connection closed...


      printf("Trigger set to rising and falling

WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x05);
checkup =0;



interrupt void my_isr0()
WrPortI(I0CR, &I0CRShadow, 0x00);
printf("Trigger disabled

hi to all. i am newbie to rabbit processor. i tried to work with sample codes from dynamic c. while i’m trying “browseled.c” sample code, i was not getting any errors. but i was not gettin any result on the webpage. y its happnin

I am guessing that
printf("Sock_Init passed

should be before loop not in it.

Tim S

No, putting it there makes the program stop responding after some time, in the debugging session.
edit But putting it at the top of the main funtion, right after declaring variables, seems to solve the problem. Thanks