hp–>gsm modem–>rabbit microprocessor(to activate server in gsm modem so it refer to the visual C++ to search the database)–>gsm modem–>hp
for rabbit microprocessor i use gsm/gprs appliction kit to send/receive msg.the problem is, how can i give command to the gsm modem so that the msg send will goes to microsoft visual C++ to search the database and then give back the necessary data to hp.
someone told me that to activate the srver automatic, we need to change the source code in Dynamic c…
can someone help me…i can’t understand it at all
if someone do same project with me,can u give ur opinion…
Why you need Rabbit in the first place? What do u mean “Activate the server automatic”? Are you going to switch on the power of server via rabbit? or ??
If you want to send msg to/from server, you can plug USB GSM modem into your server and write a program on server. That will be alot easier rather than go throught the rabbit.
What is the main purpose to use Rabbit in your design?
coz my supervisor ask me to do so… … dis is my final year project… so he want me to manipulate the rabbit… also,i ask many lecturers and they gave me same idea which is use rabbit microprocessor
let me explain again my project… my project is the development of bus express system via sms… i will send the plat no of bus from hp to gsm modem, then from gsm go to my pc to search the database which i already build in MS Access and to recall the data i use visual c++… after found the info matching with plat no, so my pc will send back the info to the hp via gsm modem…
what should i do to command the gsm modem to search the data in visual c++?
Are you trying to use the Rabbit and a gsm/gprs modem to send a SMS message to another gsm/gprs modem which is connected to a PC that contains a database?
If this is the case than all you have to do is have the Rabbit send the SMS message via the gsm/gprs modem to the other modem. In the SMS put details as to what information you want the database to send back via SMS.