Unable to perform analog sampling in XBee-Wifi module

I am currently working on remote transfer of the analog samples periodically by sampling the ADC pins of XBee-S6B module.I have done the following steps:
1.Connected to Wifi network
2.set the Source and destination ports and IP’s
3.Enabled the ADC pins(all the five)
4.Converted into XBee API mode
5.Created a simple UDP server

But I had been waiting for so long and I had not received any udp samples from the module.

Is there something to do with the IC parameter(DIO change detect which has not been touched and has retained it’s original value,0).

Please could anyone share some valuable insights in this matter? I am kinda new to this module myself.

Thank you In advance.

Are you monitoring the port XBEE or some other port number?

I am listening on the port which was termed “detination port in the module” while configuring.

All ADC data is sent on port BEE. Try that port instead.