vertically print with counter element and turn it into symbol

i want my output to be like this:
a: **

b: *

c: **

each ‘*’ represents a value of 1. my code gives me this:{a: 2, b: 1, c: 2}

from collections import Counter
reports = 0
graph1 = []
print(“Enter in this format: # of reports, StartDate, EndDate. E.g. 5 20200401 20200403”)
nor, start, end = input().split()
nor = int(nor)
print(“Enter in this format: LabID, Date, # of cases. E.g. IWK 20200401 1”)
while reports < nor:
place, date, noc = input().split()
reports = reports + 1
a = dict(Counter(graph1))
i tried doing this: print(* a, sep=’
') this makes the stuff in the list output vertically but it doesn’t output the counter and is there a way to change the 2, 1, 2 into ‘*’