I am facing a trouble concerning usage of waitfor and waitfordone in our program, which was initially written for Rabbit 2000, but now being modified to be used at Rabbit 6000.
The program utilizes costates. It has several cofunctions, which are called one from another with wfd.These functions use waitfor(DelayMs) statements to yield before processing further.
The expected behavior is that after the defined time passes, it would continue from the waitfor statement further along the function. But what I get is the program does not return to the function in question, but instead moves on from the wfd statement like if the function has completed its work. In shorter words, the program understands yielding as completion, which is obviously incorrect behavior and stops the program from functioning properly. The same result is achieved if I use “yield” keyword instead of “waitfor”.
I am trying to read the value returned by “wfd”, but the result does not match my expectations either. While the manual describes possible values as “1, 2, …” for completion of a corresponding function, and negative values for abortion, I receive sometimes 0, sometimes some other illogical value (like 10, while I have only one function called in this wfd).
This does not depend on the code of the function called, but rather happens since the specific level of enclosure (3 in my case).
What might be a cause here? And how would I be able to correct it?
I am using Rabbit 6000 microcontroller with the RCM6700 module, with Dynamic C ver.10.72.
Thank you!
The structure itself looks like that:
wfd cof_f1(…);
cofunc int cof_f1(…)
wfd cof_f2(…);
cofunc int cof_f2(…)
i = -99;
i = wfd cof_f3(…);
//after all other costates have yielded, it proceeds to the next line instead of returning to cof_f3, like if this function has already completed or aborted.
//the returned value of wfd is unexpected, like 0 or 10.
cofunc int cof_f3(…);
//here it yields, but never proceeds further