We have developed a measurement device using an XBee Pro module (XBP24CZ7SITB003).
When we order XBee modules, we get modules with different hardware revisions (A, C, D, E, F) and/or different software revisions.
What is the difference of these hardware revisions, and is there a changelog available for the software revision ?
We have developed our application firmware with ONE hardware revision, and obviously ONE software revision. After that the revisions have changed.
Do we need to fully test out software (especially sleep-current) whenever a new software/hardware revision is delivered ? (We can not influence the revision we get).
Is it ok to downgrade the software of the new modules to a (from us) tested release, to avoid the need to fully test the new revision ?
We will do that - but this does not answer my questions, what to do when we get different hardware/software releases. I assume, the sales account can not answer such a technical question.
We talked to digikey.com (our distributor) and they played the ball back to digi:
Their answer (in short) was:
"I cannot help much further, … they should fully test out their software whenever a new software/hardware revision is announced. I think that there is no way to influence the revision they order as we cannot track the software when it is not mentioned on the paperwork from Digi International … "
And regarding to downgrade the software: “then they need to take care of this preventive action on their own.”
Well, this is not exactly the answer i was hoping for
But, how should they answer these questions ? they are distributor, not manufacturer.
Product Revision History is not something that would be addressed in a Support forum. That is something that would be addressed in a Support Case or with your Account manager directly.
Support Forums such as this are Customer Helping Customer.