Is there anyway to make the Digi Transport WR21 to perform an automatic reboot after 24h? I need it as a saftey precaution to make sure that it goes online again after the network has been down.
Hi you can write a ScriptBasic -program to reboot the router and then setup an autocmd to run the script with options
’ causes the Sarian to reboot at a specified time.
’ Usage: bas hh:mm
’ To run at startup: cmd 0 autocmd “bas hh:mm”
’ This works by calculating the necessary delay (in minutes), and
’ then running the “reboot n” command
const nl = "
’ Function to put an event in the eventlog
function MsgNonFatal(msg)
local junk
junk = system(“setevent "” & msg & “"” & " 0")
print msg, nl
end function
initial_time = command()
’ initialise the initial on/off time
if initial_time <> “” then
split initial_time by “:” to daily_hour, daily_min
if val(daily_hour) < 0 OR val(daily_hour) > 23 OR val(daily_min) < 0 OR val(daily_min) > 59 then
MsgNonFatal(“REBOOTAT: invalid time (” & initial_time & “), ignored”)
initial_time = “”
’ print "REBOOTAT: Time set to ", daily_hour, “:”, daily_min, "
’ MsgNonFatal(“REBOOTAT: Time=” & initial_time)
MsgNonFatal(“REBOOTAT: reboot time not set”)
tnow = GmTime()
’ MsgNonFatal("Time now is: " & FormatDate(“YEAR-0M-0D 0H:0m:0s”, tnow))
treboot = timevalue(year(tnow), month(tnow), day(tnow), val(daily_hour), val(daily_min), 0)
if treboot < tnow then
treboot = treboot + 86400
’ calculate how many minutes before reboot
mins_delay = (treboot-tnow)\60 + 1
’ MsgNonFatal(“REBOOTAT: Delay before reboot=” & treboot-tnow & " secs")
MsgNonFatal(“REBOOTAT: Delay before reboot=” & mins_delay & " mins")
junk = system("reboot " & mins_delay)
here is the autocmd
cmd 0 autocmd “bas hh:mm”
config 0 save
but where do you put the :
cmd 0 autocmd “bas hh:mm”
config 0 save
If you are not to bothered about time it reboots you can set a reboot to be in 1440 minutes which is 24 hours
cmd 0 autocmd “reboout 1440”
config 0 save
after reboot the router will start a count down to reboot
OK but where do it put this command. I understand what to type in bit not where to type it…
if you telnet / ssh in to the router or from the GUI
you can use execute commands to carry this out
or you can go to configuration system general there is autocommands section and add the reboot 1440 there then save and reboot
I am using a WR 21, went to system, general, command and I set reboot 4. Yes 4 minutes for testing, but I did not work. Can you help me or anyone?
Do you have a screen shot of what you set? It will just work through the above method.