Add Greengrass 1.3.0 to yocto image


I was trying to add the Greengrass core software to yocto image, however, amazon just released the version 1.3.0 and it seems it is not compatible with the meta-digi recipe for aws. The compiler tries to unpack the software core from the tarball folder for the version 1.0.0, which is not the version that I can download from AWS software packages.

Is there any other way to change the to use the new version?

Note: I have tried changing the filename and greengrass recipe, but it returns bad checksum.


General Greengrass Amazon IoT integration into Yocto is documented here:
support for the new version will be added in future releases of DEY. For now please stick to the supported version.

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Thanks for your answer.
I actually forgot to mention that I could not find a way to download another Greengrass different of the latest released by Amazon, at least with my AWS account I can only download the 1.3.0 or the 1.1.0 downloaded before the release.

can you try to rename the tarball to match what compiler expects?

Hi Rafael,

Unfortunately AWS removes older Greengrass downloads as soon as they release the new version, and they do not provide early warning to partners regarding new releases.
We are actively engaged with AWS trying to find a solution for this.

Digi is just about to release a new Digi Embedded Yocto release, dey-2.2-r3, but unfortunately this updates Greengrass to the 1.1.0 version as the 1.3.0 release happened just a couple of weeks ago. The next Greengrass update will have to wait until the next release in 3/4 months.

I suggest you contact Digi support by email and we will send you a patch for the 1.3.0 update as soon as it’s ready, even before it’s officially released with DEY.

Until then, please develop using the 1.1.0 version.



I am in the same predicament and have sent an email to Digi support. In particular, I want to bitbake the “dey-image-aws” image with extra features but can only download AWS Greengrass 1.3.0.

Does anyone know when this image will be updated to support Greengrass 1.3.0?

Finally, has anyone done a workaround / patch as renaming the file doesn’t solve the problem?
