I thought there was supposed to be an internal resistor for the purpose of measuring the voltage drop for analog conversion.
I’ve verified the sensor is returning the expected 4ma but I get a valued from the AIO of 540. I would expect to see around 175 given the formula from the Digi python libraries.
Does the internal resistor not exist in all hardware versions or does it need to be enabled through a specific config/firmware?
Here is my current config for the AIO.
Configuration of device:
aggregation (AR): 255 (x 10 sec)
assoc_led (LT): 0 (x 10 msec)
broadcast_hops (BH): 0
cluster_id (CI): 0x11
conflict_reports (CR): 3
dest_addr (DH/DL):
dest_endpoint (DE): 0xe8
dio0_config (D0): 2
dio1_config (D1): 2
dio2_config (D2): 2
dio3_config (D3): 2
dio4_config (D4): 4
dio5_config (D5): 1
dio6_config (D6): 4
dio7_config (D7): 4
dio8_config (D8): 4
dio10_config (P0): 4
dio11_config (P1): 3
dio12_config (P2): 4
dio13_config (P3): 5
dio_detect (IC): 0x0 (bitfield)
discover_timeout (NT): 60 (x 100 msec)
encrypt_enable (EE): 0
encrypt_options (EO): 0x0 (bitfield)
ext_pan_id (ID): 0x0000000000000000
join_time (NJ): 255 (sec)
join_notification (JN): 0
join_verification (JV): 0
link_key (KY):
max_hops (NH): 30
network_watchdog (NW): 0 (min)
node_id (NI): Well Monitor
polling_rate (PO): 0 (x 10 msec)
power_level (PL): 4
power_mode (PM): 1
pullup_enable (PR): 0x1fff (bitfield)
rssi_timer (RP): 40 (x 100 msec)
sample_rate (IR): 10000 (msec)
scan_channels (SC): 0x3fff (bitfield)
scan_duration (SD): 3 (exponent)
sleep_count (SN): 1
sleep_mode (SM): 0
sleep_options (SO): 0x0 (bitfield)
sleep_period (SP): 32 (x 10 msec)
sleep_time (ST): 5000 (msec)
source_endpoint (SE): 0xe8
stack_profile (ZS): 0
supply_threshold (V+): 2000 (mvolts)
wake_host_delay (WH): 0 (msec)