API for Watchport/H

I’m interested in integrating readings from a Watchport/H temp/humidity sensor into an existing application. At least 1 reseller indicates that there is an API available to do this, but I haven’t been able to find it on the digi.com website. Is there such a thing (preferably C/C++ Windows and Linux)?

Although there is no API per se, you can communicate with the Watchport/H through your software application by issuing ASCII commands to get readings from the sensor for humidity and temperature.

See the Watchport/H section in the Watchport Installation Guide:

I have it installed on a Linux test box and it is comming up as ttyUSB0 wich is good but how do i send ASCII commands to the device from a prompt?

Nice, a virtual serial port - simple and clean.

Any plans for Linux support?

P.S. Thanks for the quick reply!

Message was edited by: pogo

The spec sheet mentions that the Watchport/H has a maximum read rate of 20/second. Using the serial protocol from the document listed above, it takes about 2 seconds to get a response to “TC”. Is that 20/second referring to an internal sampling rate, or should I be able to get 20 serial port readings per second?

The Watchport/H is supported in Linux.

If you’re running a 2.6 kernel, just plug it in.

If you’re running a 2.4 kernel, you’ll need to install the Edgeport Driver Package. I can e-mail this to you if needed.

Either way, once it’s installed, access the serial port as the device node “/dev/ttyUSB0”.

Awesome! And again I must give you kudos for the quick responses. Such an excellent level of support on an open forum is not often seen!

I’m working with our Engineering group to get an answer for you, which should be by early next week.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

Any update on this?


That “20 times a second” in our datasheet is just wrong and I’ve asked that it be corrected. I sincerely apologize that we have incorrect info on our sensor. The most you’re going to be able to get is about 2 to 3 a second TOPS.

I’ll check into it again to see why this hasn’t been changed.

Again, apologies for the confusion.

Mike Swift

You need to use a program that’s equivalent to HyperTerminal in Windows. In other words, a program that’s able to open device nodes (similar to how HyperTerminal can open COM ports).

Hi Jeremym

I scripted minicom and now i get a result in a text file.

thaks for the help