Cannot get network.Cellular.scan to work

I have a working application written in MicroPython and running on a Digi XBee 3 Global and Low-Power LTE-M/NB-IoT. I am trying to get the network scan command to work and am failing. The code looks like the following:

def query_scan_commands():
        new_Ascan = network.Cellular.scan(None,'*', False)#callback=None, *, deep=False
        util.debug_print('[query_scan_commands 0] - Active Scan (AS) {}'.format(new_Ascan))       
    except Exception as e:
        util.debug_print('[query_scan_commands EXCEPTION 1] - error is '.format(e))

It fails but shows no error, I am sure the exception i used was incorrect. Has anyone got this working before? I also tried to get country out of it from an exampe i found but it does not work either:

country =
        util.debug_print("[NETWORK]-Country: {}".format(country))

This results in a ‘module country does not exist’ error
I can connect to cellular no problem, query if i am connected, grab signal values using new_ATDB = network.Cellular().signal() and that works correct.

Any help would be appreciated