WrPortI(PDDCR, &PDDCRShadow, 0x00);
WrPortI(PDDDR, &PDDDRShadow, 0xFF);
WrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0xFF);
// this does not appear to work
WrPortI(PDDCR, &PDDCRShadow, 0x00);
WrPortI(PDDDR, &PDDDRShadow, 0xFF);
WrPortI(PDDR, &PDDRShadow, 0xFF);
// this does not appear to work
Did you see the Knowledgebase article? Try using the example on this one if you haven’t already tried it.
the link you sent me has the same code that I posted above… which it does not work. I am on the development board… would that cause a problem? I am not calling brdInit()
the link whcich you sent me has the very code that I posted initially … which does not work. I am doing code on the dev board, would this be a problem?