I don’t understand why sending API commands or data doesn’t work.
I use following parts/firmware:
2 XBEE Modems: XB24-Z7 CIT-004.
firmware Coordinator: 2164
firmware Router: 2364
First of all, I’ve got this frame:
7E 00 0F 10 01 00 13 A2 00 40 68 72 E9 00 00 00 00 31 05
7E start delimiter
00 0F length
10 API Command Frame id for transmit request
01 frame id
00 13 A2 00 64-bit address of Coordinator high
40 68 72 E9 64-bit address of Coordinator low
00 00 16-bit address of Coordinator
00 Broadcast radius max, has to be 0
00 Options must be 0x00
31 data bit 0x31 for ‘1’
05 Checksum
When sendig the frame via ARM7 µC to Din ofXBee I can receive the char on Coordinator`s XCTU (or with HTerm)
But when typing this command in the Router´s Assemble Packet or direct in the HTerm Input section no char is transmitted.
When I try to send in the opposite direction from Coordinator to Router the following frame:
7E 00 0F 10 01 00 13 A2 00 40 68 73 D4 CE 26 00 00 31 2A
(instead of 64-bit and 16-bit address of Coordinator now the addresses of Router and the checksum changed)
no char transmitted, nither to XCTU nor to HTerm.
When working in AT mode I succeded with
ATD5 0 (or 1 respectively)
But sending the correspondig frame for the CH Request
7E 00 10 17 01 00 13 A2 00 40 68 72 E9 00 00 00 00 4D 59 89
doesn´t work.
Please can someone help!
Thanks a lot!