I have compiled DEY 3.0 and then added the meta-browser and required meta-clang layers in my bblayers.conf:
POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
changes incompatibly
And then, in the local,conf:
Add Chromium
“${@bb.utils.contains(‘DISTRO_FEATURES’, ‘wayland’, ’ chromium-ozone-wayland libexif’,
bb.utils.contains(‘DISTRO_FEATURES’, ‘x11’, ’ chromium-x11 libexif’,
‘’, d), d)}”
"${@bb.utils.contains(‘DISTRO_FEATURES’, ‘wayland’, ‘commercial’,
bb.utils.contains(‘DISTRO_FEATURES’, ‘x11’, ‘commercial’, \
Finally, I used bitbake dey-image-qt to build it all. The resulting image is the one I’m using in the dev kit.
I have so far been able to execute chromium successfuly by modifying the default weston.ini as follows:
use-g2d=1 #Set 2D renderer instead of default GLES
xwayland=true #Uncommented this line!
WIDTHxHEIGHT Resolution size width and height in pixels
off Disables the output
preferred Uses the preferred mode
current Uses the current crt controller mode
command=@bindir@/weston --backend=rdp-backend.so --shell=fullscreen-shell.so --no-clients-resize
and using the following flags:
chromium --no-sandbox --start-maximized --kiosk https://www.google.com
At first, without this the weston.init config, I was getting frecuent segmentation fault errors from chromium, but sadly I haven’t been able reproduce them or determine what solved them.
The problem: We want to deploy our device’s HMI via chromium. So far, I’ve been executing all this as root user. This is no good for a commertial solution (or any, if not testing) since it makes it vulnerable. However, I have created another user and tried to run chromium but gotten the following errors:
ccimx8mn-dvk:~$ chromium --no-sandbox --start-maximized --kiosk https://www.google.com
[904:904:1027/170421.864351:ERROR:wayland_connection.cc(60)] Failed to connect to Wayland display
[904:904:1027/170421.864414:FATAL:ozone_platform_wayland.cc(166)] Failed to initialize Wayland platform
Trace/breakpoint trap
For what I’ve found online, it seems that weston is executed and owned by root, and no other user may “capture” /run/user/0/wayland-0. In fact, I’m not able to execute any graphical app:
ccimx8mn-dvk:~$ weston-flower
failed to connect to Wayland display: No such file or directory
failed to create display: No such file or directory
Any idea about how to solve this? Thanks in advance for any help!