Digest Authetication and IE7

I developed a Rabbit/webserver application in 2004 using Dynamic C 8.10. This app uses digest authentication to control access to the settings. This works fine with Microsoft IE6 but not with IE7. Search the web for info on Digest Authentication and IE7 returns a lot of hits. It is a known problem. However, I’ve not found a fix that works as yet. Has anyone else run into this problem.

Thanks for any help.

Wendell Murray

Stuff that worked in (Win2K + IE6) didn’t in (WinXP + IE7).

Not knowing what you tried, what worked for me is changing the “HTTP_MAXBUFFERR = 256” to 2048.
This is in the DCRABBIT_9.52\Lib cpip\HTTP.LIB

//#define HTTP_MAXBUFFER 256 // 256 is the minimum recommended
#define HTTP_MAXBUFFER 2048 // **slb 070921

Not sure how LOW I could go with the value, 1024 might work, etc.

Not sure WHY, but this is what I sifted out of all my Google searches!

Let us know if this solves your issue, please.

Thanks for replying. Changing the HTTP_MAXBUFFER didn’t help in my case. I’m using Dynamic C 8.61, by the way. Actually, the authentication works fine with IE7 as long as I’m not passing arguments in the URL which takes me to a protected page. If I put arguments in the URL, it brings up the login dialog and will not authenticate.

The problem has become academic since I have worked around the problem by removing the digest authentication and putting in place my own encryption method. It’s not unhackable, but then neither is digest authentication. This application doesn’t really require maximum security, just moderate anti-tinkering.

Again, thanks for your reply.