I have a Digi neo 8 serial port card, installed under Linux Red hat 9.0 .
When I issue the open com request to any of the serial ports, I don’t see any change on these, it’s look like that the com is not opened.
I’ve got feedback that this board work fine on Red Hat 7.2
Any errors when installing the driver?
Is the adapter recognized and active if you check the status using dpa.dgnc?
Yes to both.
Please send Digi Technical Support a typescript of your driver installation for analysis:
rpmbuild --rebuild --define DISTRO=REDHAT_90 (driver_name.src.rpm)
rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/dgnc-#.#-#.i386.rpm
/etc/init.d/dgnc start
Send the file called ‘typescript’ located in the directory where the ‘script’ command was issued.
The file is too big, 33 MB.
Do you have a FTP server where I can put into the file?
Thanks a lot
Yes we do, but in order to properly handle your support request we’ll need you to call into Technical Support and have a case created for you. You will then be given further instruction on what to do with the file and where to upload it.