Digi PORTS/16em and Win2k Remote Access Server


I am currently experiencing porblems with my RAS Server after installing a Digi PORTS/16em Port Accelerator on my Windows 2000 Remote Access Server. I am able to qeury all the modems through device manager. But when I try to add new Remote Access Ports through the RAS MMC I get the following error:

Port Information Cannot Be Saved

Cannot complete this function.

The current driver version used for the Digi Bord is:

Any help in this matter would be appreciated.



Hello. I have not seen this error.
Is there enough hard drive space to same a larger registry?
Are you loged in as the local administrator?
Which version of Windows 2000 are you using? If you are using W2k Pro, you are only alllowed 1 RAS connection.
Which service pack level is installed?
FYI, the latest driver for most adapters is available from this link: