Digi WR 11 M600 DE1 XB random but often loss of connectivity on Verizon Private network.

Client must power reset the device to restore connectivity. APN registration is ok but device stops talking to the network. I have quite a few devices doing this.

Hi and welcome to Digi Forum.

to better understand the behavior you see, we would need to check logs and status of the device while the issue is happening (so before is manually power cycled).

In order to do that, you should please open a case emailing to tech.support@digi.com with the debug.txt file (https://www.digi.com/support/knowledge-base/how-to-extract-the-debug-txt-file-from-a-digi-tran) collected locally while the issue is happening.
Please also provide the IMEI of the affected router so we can do a warranty check and proceed with Base support.

More details about Digi support options on our website: https://www.digi.com/support

Also, you may want to have a look at this guide: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/AN07_TPort_Cell_Prob_Det_and_Rec_using_SureLinkWiz.pdf that provide instructions on how to configure SureLink in order to detect and recover cellular issue automatically.

Best Regards

Digi Technical Support Team

Thanks Anny,
I have sent debug files to tech support but it seems nothing in the file points to the reason that the WR 11 does not send it’s APN. I appreciate the Sure Link document! It is very informative and I will use the Sure Link to see if it helps me out.